Dental Details


MyPatients'Benefits® offers secure access to patient information such as benefits, enrollment, claim status, allowance information, maximums, deductibles and procedure history.


Reimbursements allow dental offices to view a summary of reimbursements and details of each check, including information on associated claims.

Speed eClaim®

Submit Claims using Speed eClaim®, our free, claims-processing system that offers instant claims editing and resubmission, real-time explanations of benefits and cost savings for your office through reduced expenses for paper, ink and postage.


Add a Date of Service to a Predetermination
Search for a predetermination claim and add the dates of service.

Add X-rays

Add X-rays to a Rejected Claim
Search for a rejected claim and add X-ray attachments.

Electronic Funds Transfer

Manage Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) online to receive payments directly to your bank account.


Schedule of Allowances
Download the schedule of allowances for your participating networks.